leave a hotel review

Reasons to Leave a Hotel Review

At some point in our lives we plan on traveling to a location that we have never been to before. We start looking for honest feedback left by past travelers about the location. The hotel’s website can give you basic information, but a past guest will be able to provide behind-the-scenes. Anytime you stay at a hotel, you should always leave an honest review, and doing this will provide future guests to learn about the hotel prior to their arrival.

Top Reasons to Leave a Hotel Review:

To Give Recognition

If a staff member or the entire staff has provided you with a great experience, then writing a hotel review will allow you to give recognition to the staff member and it will also allow the hotel to recognize the staff member. The staff member may get a raise or promotion or even a bonus just from reading your review. Leaving a hotel review will give you the chance to give recognition.

Helping Future Travelers when you leave a hotel review

Once you leave an honest review about your hotel stay will help future travelers. You will have the proper knowledge to help future travelers, and your knowledge can’t be found on the website of the hotel. You can leave a variety of tips such as controlling a thermostat that is complicated to what restaurants are the best to dine at. A personal review is valuable for all future travelers.

Keeping All Search Engines Honest

When you leave a hotel review on a travel website, it helps to keep search engines honest because all of the reviews and comments will be left by honest guests instead of the hotel chains that use their money for advertising and marketing campaigns.

Consider the Criticism

Honesty is always the best and it is very important when it comes to writing a hotel review, but if you have any complaints, then you should take them straight to the hotel manager. The hotel manager may give you a discount, give vouchers, and even a free future stay. All hotels that are reputable will make things right, but if you have tried that route and it didn’t do anything, then you should describe the situation and simply say you don’t want to recommend the hotel.

These are the top reasons to leave a hotel review. Share your hotel review below. Future travelers will appreciate your hotel review.

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